The Men's Ministry of Ogden Baptist Church
Men's Prayer breakfast
We believe that a healthy church is one where the men are encouraged to walk with God and have healthy Christ centered relationships with other brothers in Christ. Once a quarter our men gather together on Saturday morning for a time of food and fellowship. We then have a short devotional geared toward empowering and equipping men to be all God has called them to be. If you would like more information regarding Men's Prayer Breakfast feel free to CONTACT US for more details
Every Tuesday @ 8:00 AM, our men gather at Mason Marina (7421 Mt Pleasant Dr.) for Bible Study and discipleship. If you would like more information about joining our Men's D-Group/Bible Study feel free to CONTACT US for more details.
Baptist Men
Baptist Men is the integration of the men of OBC helping the community in a variety of ways. . From providing funds for those in needs, building handicap ramps, to preparing meals for fellowships, the Baptist Men seeks to join OBC on mission by serving our church and community. Men of any age or background are welcome to join the Baptist Men! If you would like more information or would like to request help with a project, feel free to CONTACT US for more details.